We’ve been trying to pull this together for a long time, but today it’s finally here – the Dog Draft . . . We take turns picking our favorite upland and waterfowl dogs, and we are joined by Scott Heath, a longtime listener and member of the NAVHDA Palmetto Chapter! But don’t worry, Emily’s still here for “What’s New” where we discuss duck stamps and ballet workouts, and Keep and Release, where we discuss the Sandlot, That Thing You Do, audio engineers, bad reviews, and gun safes! Go to Patreon and become a friend of the show OFFICIALLY here! E-mail Fletcher with Hallett Insurance to get your quote! Check out…
Dogs I Have Known
I’m not exactly sure how or when my infatuation with hunting dogs began. I came by this naturally, I suppose . . . My maternal grandfather was a quail hunting tour-de-force, almost always with a pointer or 3 leading the way. My dad raised beagles when we were very young, so gun dogs were abundant. There were always 2 or 3 in the kennels, until a litter came along. Toby and Max and Dutchess and Bear wandered through my adolescence with their tri-colored saddles and soulful howls. But somewhere, and I don’t remember the switch exactly, we ended up with a Brittany. Abracadabra was her name on paper, which we…