Commissioners, I wanted to reach out to your prior to this week’s Commission meetings in Panama City Beach. I wish I could be there. I tried. I pushed hard. I’ve been to the past 4-5 meetings, but, as a full-time waterfowl guide, this one was tough to pull off. See, I have a client flying in to hunt the day of the meetings from out of state. This gentleman has harvested 42 species of waterfowl, and only needs the Florida mottled duck to complete his slam. We’ve planned the hunt since June. If everything goes according to plan, there will be a celebration in a Central Florida Swamp Tuesday morning,…
Jalapeno Popper Soup with Shredded Venison
It’s Soup Season in Florida . . . There’s not much better than a warm bowl of soup on a Saturday afternoon – the ducks have been cleaned, the dogs are lazing away on the floor, college football is on a never ending loop on the TV, and this Jalapeno Popper Soup is ready and waiting to make your day complete! Crockpot Venison Roast 2-3 lb Venison roast (frozen or thawed) 2 cups of broth Salt & Pepper Season Roast with salt and pepper and cook in crock pot Frozen – 12 hours on low Thawed – 6-8 hours on low Once cooked shred and store – this will make…
#110: Conservation Funding and Stuffles
This week, an NPR article and video around Conservation funding made the rounds on social media again, and, in classic Cast and Blast style, we decided to give our thoughts . . . Plus, we recap the youth hunt, our new Facebook group, the Mandalorian, socks, and more . . . E-mail Fletcher with Hallett Insurance to get your quote! Follow Cast and Blast Florida: Instagram – Twitter – Facebook – Website Want to experience a world class duck hunt or fishing charter? E-mail Travis to book today . . . Connect with the gang on social media: Travis Thompson – @travisthompson – Instagram – Twitter – Facebook Nathan Henderson – @nhenderson77 – Instagram – Twitter – Facebook Emily Thompson – @lovedaloca – Instagram Podcast: Play in new window…
Conversations #8: Jared Frasier
This week, we’re talking 2% for Conservation with Executive Director, Jared Frasier. Jared takes us through his upbringing in rural Wisconsin, to the seat of Conservation, Bozeman, Montana . . . Along the way we talk plumbing, why folks don’t show up to conservation events, Randy Newberg, and everything you’d ever want to know about one of the coolest organizations in conservation. Sign up for 2% as a FREE Member here Follow Cast and Blast Florida: Instagram – Twitter – Facebook – Website Want to experience a world class duck hunt or fishing charter? E-mail Travis to book today . . . Connect with the gang on social media: Travis Thompson – @travisthompson – Instagram – Twitter – Facebook Nathan Henderson – @nhenderson77…
#108: the North American Model of Conservation
The North American Conservation Model. We toss this term around pretty frequently on our show, and we hear it mentioned on other podcasts and platforms on a regular basis . . . but, what does it mean? This week, we take a run at unpacking the model, in a quick hit fashion, to at least bring it to the surface for future conversations. Plus – Our favorite redheads, Nate’s weekly football allegiance update, Emily recommends a curling iron (sorta), and more! Links: Shane Mahoney The North American Model of Conservation Book Want to take action on the Bear Hunt? Here’s the link to our Take Action page Or – take…
Conversations #6: Florida Black Bear Roundtable
Everywhere you turn in Florida, hunters and environmental groups are talking about the recently released Bear Management Plan from Florida Wildlife Commission. In a different format for our “Conversations” show, we invited a couple of buddies over to discuss our take on the Bear Management Plan, why Bear Hunting should matter to ALL outdoorspeople, and where we think this whole discussion should go! Want to take action? Here’s the link to our Take Action page Here’s the link to BHA’s Political Action Page Here’s the link to the Bear Management Plan Here’s the link to submit comments to the survey for FWC on Black Bears Click here to e-mail the…
Conversations #5: Adam Bass
Adam Bass is a rising star on the nature photography circuit, but his real passion? Conservation. Any time the two of us get together, we pump each other up chatting about the Rural and Family Lands program, Florida Forever, Duck Hunting, what makes the perfect picture, and how many duck boats are enough? Find Adam online here! Love our theme song? Check out Trail Diver (the song is called “Citrus”) Follow Cast and Blast Florida: Instagram – Twitter – Facebook – Website Want to experience a world class duck hunt or fishing charter? E-mail Travis to book today . . . Connect with the gang on social media: Travis Thompson – @travisthompson – Instagram – Twitter – Facebook Nathan Henderson – @nhenderson77 – Instagram – Twitter – Facebook…
Recipes: Fried Honey Buns
We’ve talked about it for 2 weeks, so we decided it was time to put a marker down. Here’s the recipe for the greatest breakfast snack of all time – fried Honey Buns. Credit goes to Josh Raggio of Raggio Custom Calls for bringing this culinary delight to our attention. It’s also important to note that these are not DEEP FRIED Honey Buns – that is a bit much! These are much healthier than those!* Ingredients: Box of Little Debbie Honey Buns Bacon Grease Directions: This ain’t rocket science, y’all. Get your bacon grease hot, add in the honey buns (unwrapped), cook for about 90 seconds per side. Serve warm.…
Conversations #4: Justin Seelig
Hand Carving Decoys. It’s one of the more nostalgic and romantic notions in waterfowling, and this week we’re talking to the man who WAS the decoy carver laureate of Florida. Justin takes us through his introduction to hunting, his passion for carving, how he started out, and what’s next for him and his girlfriend, Melissa! One of the most renowned call makers of our time, Josh Raggio sits down with Travis to discuss bullfighting, college baseball, honey buns, conservation, his family . . . oh, and duck calls. We’re still working out kinks on our remote recording setup, so it’s a little “muffled” but the content is too good to…
#104: The Small Game Draft
No Nate, No Emily – this week, Travis is in Mississippi and is joined by Chad Rischar and Josh Watts from Southeast Backcountry Hunters and Anglers as we discuss our recent event at Raggio’s Custom Calls, the challenges faced by living in Mississippi, and our favorite small game pursuits. For more on Raggio’s Custom Calls, click here For more information on Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, click here Become an official “Friend of the Show” by supporting us on Patreon! Check out our new “Conservation Isn’t Convenient” T-shirt . . . Follow Cast and Blast Florida: Instagram – Twitter – Facebook – Website Want to experience a world class duck hunt or fishing charter? E-mail Travis to book today…